Inspired by the rhythm of music, the design reflects on the characteristics of the owner
— a musician.
It is created with soft curves connecting the dots with simplicity, clean lines that form a minimalist interior.
The use of bare essentials & neotenic accentuates the design aesthetic of the space.
The monochromatic palette colour adds an accent that comprises light,
nude tones and a great amount of off-white creates a sense of visual calm.
A soothing and inviting space with a timeless aesthetic to it, a sense of tranquillity,
a design that de-clutters the mind and soul, and a place to call home.
粹 的韵律
設計靈感來自使用對 音樂韻律的 柔性 源自業主的專業
創造出柔和的曲線感 利落的線條 襯托出簡約 通透的空間感
也把幼態設計去運用到 室內的元素裡
明亮的暖白色去提亮 整體室內的質感與光線
風格大量 运用韓系的 極簡暖白色 和大地系色調 用以增加更多的層次感
雋永美觀並 易於打理 室內空間 不留多餘的浪漫
一個純粹 靜謐韵律的 居